Find out about our Lived Experience Trainer and explore future dates
10th, 11th and 12th March 2025.
Please note - you must attend all three dates, which are delivered remotely.
£350 per delegate. Discounts available for multiple bookings.
Claire Donegan is a CBH Therapist and Recovery Coach from Ireland. Having spent nearly a decade of her life in the grips of gambling addiction, Claire now uses her lived experience to help others.
”When I first decided that I wanted to use my lived experience to help others, I enrolled in the AAL Lived Experience Accredited Facilitator and Speaker Programme to learn how I could best use my voice to create a dialogue and deliver my story effectively. The skills I learned through the course have helped me to establish my career as a Lived Experience Advocate, and now I am lucky enough to have the opportunity to share that knowledge as an AAL Trainer.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed the course – Claire is an excellent trainer.”